viernes, 21 de junio de 2019


Good afternoon everyone, today I want to tell you about my favorite subject this semester. As I mentioned in another blog, I study journalism and what I like has a lot to do with my career, and the subject is photojournalism.

I’ve always been a fan of taking pictures (not being in them), but never take it very seriously as an activity, so when I got to class, I learned a lot of things that I never thought I’d learn, like having to use a camera, see that there are types of photographs that need certain technique to be able to make them or to have to handle in which types of light I take the photos.
Resultado de imagen para camara For each class, I usually have to take a lot of photos to show my teacher the advances you need to review for the jobs I have been assigned. In addition, I have to do news reports or relevant topics, but through the photos, which makes this class more fun.

Also, I have to edit the photos that have some faults such as the brightness, the frame, the focus or any detail that can be edited and to be able to make all these editions, I have to use photoshop, which I learned to use in class, too.

What I like most about photojournalism is constantly taking pictures, in addition to being able to choose the themes I want to portray.

Well, that was it for today,  see you on the next blog, goodbye.

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