miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

As has been my year so far?

Good morning everyone, I have come back to write another blog as I need to reflect on the things that have happened to me so far. 

Well, first I want to mention that my year so far has been very good, better than last year (although it is half a year before to finish this), since I feel that as far as the university, I have done very well in the bouquets, except radio (Paulina you understand me), I have had very good grades and the bouquets have liked quite a lot.

I have managed to understand much better to the masters of this semester, as well as being able to put into practice the tactics of what a good reporter should do. In adittion, I have go been able to report to different places, although I am still not very accustomed to having to talk to the people to obtain wedges and information.

Resultado de imagen para escribir}But since I’ve named only good things this semester, it’s my turn to say something bad and that’s that I still have a long way to go when it comes to writing briefing notes, that’s still my weak spot, but I think I can consider my bad thing of the year also my achievement, as I have gradually been improving and that has been shown to me by some works, as the teachers have told me.

Well, that was my blog today, but before I say goodbye, I wanted to tell you that I am very grateful that they read my blogs, as these have been a means to be able to free myself through writing, but without the pressure. Now I say goodbye and hope you will comment on the blog so I can read your ideas or opinions.